Guiding children on an adventure of exploration, learning and discovery.
If your family is eligible for the Childcare Subsidy (CSS) then you need to apply through Centrelink for this payment and this money will be deducted from your fees. This means you only need to pay the ‘gap’ amount. This amount varies depending on your individual circumstances. The amount is dependent on family income, type of care, activity hours as assessed through Centrelink. Please feel free to contact our centre and we can discuss your individual circumstances with you and provide a fee estimate based on your information.

Child Care Subsidy Eligibility
Some basic requirements must be satisfied for an individual to be eligible to receive Child Care Subsidy for a child. These include:
The age of the child (must be 13 or under and not attending secondary school)
The child meeting immunisation requirements
The individual, or their partner, meets the residency requirements.
In addition, to be eligible for Child Care Subsidy, the individual must be liable to pay for care provided, the care must be delivered in Australia by an approved child care provider, and not be part of a compulsory education program.
How does it work
There are three factors that will determine a family's level of Child Care Subsidy. These are:
Combined Family Income
Activity Test – The activity level of both parents
Service Type – Type of child care service
The Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to providers to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will make a co-contribution to their child care fees and pay to the provider the difference between the fee charged and the subsidy amount.
The New Child Care Package will also provide targeted additional fee assistance for vulnerable families through the Child Care Safety Net.
Under the ‘No Jab, No Pay’ measure, parents who do not fully immunise their children up to 19 years of age will no longer be eligible for family assistance payments, with exceptions for children with medical contraindications or natural immunity for certain diseases and those on a recognised catch up schedule. More information about the ‘No Jab, No Pay’ measure is available at https://www.health.gov.au/topics/immunisation/when-to-get-vaccinated/immunisations-for-access-to-family-assistance-benefits-and-early-childhood-services
A broad range of activities will meet the activity test requirements including: paid work; being self-employed; doing unpaid work in a family business; looking for work; volunteering or studying.
There will be exemptions to the activity test for parents who legitimately cannot meet the activity requirements.
More information about the Childcare subsidy can be found at https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/child-care-subsidy
Activity Test
Family entitlement to the Child Care Subsidy will be determined by a three-step activity test, more closely aligning the hours of subsidised care with the combined hours of work, training, study or other recognised activity undertaken, and providing for up to 100 hours of subsidy per fortnight.

A broad range of activities will meet the activity test requirements including: paid work; being self‑employed; doing unpaid work in a family business; looking for work; volunteering or studying.
There will be exemptions to the activity test for parents who legitimately cannot meet the activity requirements.
Low income families on $66,958 (indexed each financial year) or less a year who do not meet the activity test will be able to access 24 hours of subsidised care per fortnight without having to meet the activity test, as part of the Child Care Safety Net.” [2]
[1] “New Child Care Package – Transition for Families” Australian Government Department of Education and Training website (accessed MRCH 2020) www.education.gov.au/child-care-subsidy-1
[2] “New Child Care Package Factsheets” Australian Government Department of Education and Training website (accessed March 2020) www.education.gov.au/new-child-care-package-information-resources-families
How To Enrol
Enrolling your child is made easy with an online step by step process or alternatively contact the centre and organise a tour with the Centre Manager.
Once you click the ENROL NOW button, will take you to the CRM where you can request a place. Please fill in the required information.
You will be notified via the Kidsoft Parent Portal when you have been offered a place. An email will also be sent. You will then be asked to complete the enrolment form.
How to enrol online:
Log in to the CRM using the info you set up above.
Accept the booking.
Complete the rest of the online enrolment form. If there is any other information, we/you require we will arrange that before your orientation.
Expeditions ELJ will be in touch to invite you to meet the educators and tour the service before your enrollment begins, give you our family handbook and confirm all details and payment information.